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Ariana DuPuy

As a staff reporter for MedSpa Press, Ariana's days are spent pouring over the Internet, medical journals, trade magazines, and newspapers for news relevant to medical spa owners and personnel. With experience in the clinical setting and the medical spa industry, she offers a unique perspective on what's important to medical spa professionals.
Articles by this Author
» Does my malpractice cover Botox parties?
By Ariana DuPuy | Published 10/2/2005 | BotoxR / BotoxR Cosmetic |
Nearly every medspa is asked to provide Botox parties...but what is our legal liability? Are we protected by Informed Consents? Learn more about the liability involved.
» Radiesse shown to be effective and well-tolerated
By Ariana DuPuy | Published 10/9/2005 | Radiesse |
Thomas L. Tzikas, M.D., who is in private practice in Delray Beach, Fla., evaluated the clinical efficacy and patient satisfaction of a new product developed for soft tissue augmentation (Radiance FN/Radiesse). This product has been used for facial plastic surgery in more than 5,000 patients in the United States, Argentina, and Italy, but the follow-up to date has only been approximately three years. Dr. Tzikas suggests several questions remain regarding its use.
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