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Anti-Aging Pillowcase Just a Thing of Dreams
By MSP Staff | Published 08/6/2006 | Business Trends |
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Anti-Aging Pillowcase Just a Thing of Dreams

A good night's sleep will always make you look youthful and refreshed. And yes, it would be nice if all you had to do was say nighty night and wake up with fewer wrinkles and tighter skin. But it's mostly the stuff of fairy tales, right?

Not so, says a North Carolina textile company.

Cupron, of Greensboro, is marketing a pillow case injected with a patented copper compound that it claims reduces facial wrinkles, laugh lines and liver spots while you sleep. The company says outside clinical trials confirmed the pillow case "significantly improves the skin tone and texture."

The anti-aging industry is exploding these days and new ingredients said to work miracles are on the launch pad about every week.

People should get more evidence before they spring for a $50 anti-aging pillow case. Until then, pass the enzymes, collagen creams and the fairy tales.

Original Source:;

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